tagged by uniq
3 things you (currently) addicted to :
God, internet
3 things you interested to :
God, writing, future
3 things you found hot :
segala bentuk cairan mendidih, matahari, cewek pake lipstik merah (i don't think I would ever dare enough to do that)
3 wildest dream :
getting married (i mean, dedicating your whole life to be spend with one person?), living in a country where I don't understand the language at all, being a pastor
3 obsession :
being a writer, applying my 'healthy lifestyle' theory, buy a house for my parents
3 things you treasure the most :
best friends, memories, dreams
3 types of smell you love :
tanah sehabis hujan...
3 types of smell you hate :
asap rokok, sampah, asap kendaraan bermotor
3 bad habits :
kalo lagi bad-mood suka uring2an sendiri, cuek, suka ngeluh
3 things you love to wear :
big comfy t-shirt, comfy pants, comfy flip-flop! :D
3 childhood toys :
mobil2an, nitendo, lego
3 favorite author :
Rick Warren, Joshua Harris, Dewi Lestari (gila sebenernya daftarku PANJANG BANGET!)
3 favourite director:
ga gitu merhatiin sih ya...
3 reason you do this thing :
emang akunya narsis aja, memenuhi obsesi di-interview (sok ngartis), di-tag uniq.. huahauhauhau..
3 person you would to tag to do this :
aris.. sapa aja deh yang blogger dan kebetulan lewat di blog ini..
Happy Holidays!
5 weeks ago