Tuesday, November 25, 2008

10 Random Facts

Waks dapet pe-er dari Nadhira

1. Each blogger must post this rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habit about themselves
3. Blogger that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules.

4. You need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don't forget to live them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog

  1. Optimis. Kadang kelewatan, yang di kamus didefinisikan sebagai: 'naif'.
  2. Gampang ketawa. Uda gitu kalo ketawa lupa jaim lagi. *ah, sejak kapan aku bisa jaim?*
  3. Nggak betah pake rok, high heels, kosmetik, pokoknya woman stuff gitu deh.
  4. Nggak bisa masak, jahit, bebersih… yaya, emang cacat gue.
  5. Gampang terharu… tepatnya CENGENG.
  6. Cuek.
  7. Spontan. Kebiasaan ngomong ato ngelakuin suatu hal gak dipikir dulu.
  8. Pemimpi.
  9. Ambisius.
  10. Suka mengeluh!

Ha! Akhirnya selese jugak. Pe-er ini kubagikan pada… jeng jeng jeng!

  1. Rico
  2. Aris

Tar aja baru ta pikirin. Hayo dibuat!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Kambing Jantan

Syit komik KJ terbit 5 Desember.


Hidup bisa lebih nggak adil lagi nggak sih?


Sedang apa, sedang apa, sedang apa sekarang?

Sedang pusing, sedang pusing, sedang pusing sekarang.

Pusing apa, pusing apa, pusing apa sekarang?

Pusing packing, pusing packing, pusing packing sekarang.

Packing apa, packing apa, packing apa sekarang?



Packing apa sekarang?


1. Km kalau lg serius kaya apa?

- kapan sih aku pernah serius? hakakakka.

2. Km kalau lg sakit hati biasanya ngelakuin apa?

- paling bisanya nangis doank *dasar cengeng*

3. Km kalau jauh dr orangtua gmana?

- gak ada bedanya.

4. Km kalau jauh dr pcar gmana?

- pacar yang mana yah?

5. Hari ini ngapain aja?

- bangun tidur, bengong, nunda2 packing barang2…

6.Orang terakhir yg km ajak ngobrol?

- papi

7. Orang terakhr yg makan sm km?Kpn?

- makan sendirian… barusan.

8. Org terakhr yg smsan ma km?Ngmg apa?

- bolu… ngajak chatting.

9. Lagu terakhr yg lagi lo dnger?

- missing you nya trey..

10. Tempat tujuan weekend minggu ini?

- Sydney.. aha!

11. Orang terakhr yg ngasih kamu hadiah?

- Nanda, buku Rectoverso.

12. Punya pcar brp?

- sek sek ya ta itung…

13. Saat ini apa yg sedang km lakukan?

- mboh GJ

14. Situasi yg bikin km kesel apa?

- ndak cukup umur masuk kulia… doh.

15. Pilihan apa yg ga bs lo pilih?

- mending bawa buku yang ini ato yang itu? *koper tambah penuh*

16. Kapan terakhir km pergi k pantai?

- tuh pas festival apaan gitu di Kuta.

17. Pernah ga kmu ditinggalin org yg km sayang?

- pernah.

18. Perasaan kmu saat itu?

- Linger – Cranberries.

19. Pernah ga kmu jatuh cinta sm org yg ga kmu kenal?

- ah, kayak aku ngerti arti cinta aja…

20. Pernah ga kmu pcran sm org yg lbh muda dr kmu?

- ndak

21. Kata apa yg akhr2 ini lo ucapkan?

- akhir2 ini gak banyak berkata2…

22. Hr ini makan apa aja?

- mie goreng sama telor… *padahal uda janji gag bakal makan indomie. Pasti tamba bego deh masuk kulia*

23. Hr ini km pke bju apa?

- penting ya?

24. Hr ini km mengawali hari ini dgn apa?

- ngulet.

25. Sedang jatuh cinta skrg?

- gak, sedang pusing packing sekarang.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tentang Komitmen

Ketika alasanmu untuk jatuh cinta kepada seseorang lenyap, akankah perasaan cinta ikut memudar?

Jika ia tidak lagi rupawan, jutawan, intelek,

…baik hati ataupun pengertian?

Bukankah itu gunanya komitmen? Mempertahankan hubungan ketika perasaan sedang goyah?

The million dollar question is,

seberapa berartikah nilai sebuah komitmen di matamu?

*when you are taken, how far will you go to risk your commitment, your relationship?

and when you are single, how much will you convince yourself not to ruin anyone's relationship?

- wiydiy

Sentimental Fool

See the sunrise

Know it's time for us to pack up all the past

And find what truly lasts

If everything has been written, so why worry, we say

It's you and me with a little left of sanity

If life is ever changing, so why worry, we say

It's still you and I with silly smile as we wave goodbye


And how will it be? Sometimes we just can't see

A neighbor, a lover, a joker

Or a friend you can count on forever?

How happy, how tragic, how sorry?


The sun's still up and life remains a mystery

So, would it be nice to sit back in silence?

Despite all the wisdom and the fantasies

Having you close to my heart as I say a little grace

I'm thankful for this moment cause I know that you

Grow a day older and see how this sentimental fool can be


When she tries to write a birthday song

When she thinks so hard to make your day

When she's getting lost in all her thoughts

When she waits a whole day to say…

I'm thankful for this moment cause I know that I

Grow a day older and see how this sentimental fool can be


When he ache his arms to hold me tight

When he picks up lines to make me laugh

When he's getting lost in all his calls

When we can't wait to say: 'I love you'


If everything has been written down, so why worry, we say

It's you and me with a little left of sanity



Grow A Day Older - Dee

Friday, November 21, 2008

The End

I gotta say what's on my mind
Something about us
Doesn't seem right these days
Life keeps gettin in the way
Whenever we try, somehow the plan
Is always rearranged
It's so hard to say
But I've gotta do what's best for me

You'll be okay

I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own way


Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up
And I watch them fall every time
Another color turns to grey
And it's just too hard to watch it all
Slowly fade away
I'm leaving today 'cause I gotta do what's best for me

You'll be okay

I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

We might find our place in this
World someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own way

What about us?
What about everything we've been through?

What about trust?

You know I never wanted to hurt you

what about me?

What am I supposed to do?

I gotta leave but I'll miss you

I'll miss you

I've got to move on and be who I am

Why do you have to go?

I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand

We might find our place in this
World someday
But at least for now

I want you to stay

I gotta go my own way
I've got to move on and be who I am

What about us?

I just don't belong here
I hope you understand

I'm trying to understand

We might find our place in this
World someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own way

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Bad Day

Aaa… sakit sakit sakit sakit… sakit gigi yang waktu lalu, setelah dicek dokter ternyata bukan bolong, cuman rongga antara gigi2 terlalu dalem… aku heran kenapa dulu2 nggak pernah kayak gini? Masak iya baru sekarang rongganya jadi dalem? Syit sakit banget… entah giginya ato gusinya yang sakit? Rutinitas sikat gigi uda makin menggila.