Saturday, September 26, 2009


tagged by uniq

3 things you (currently) addicted to :

God, internet

3 things you interested to :

God, writing, future

3 things you found hot :

segala bentuk cairan mendidih, matahari, cewek pake lipstik merah (i don't think I would ever dare enough to do that)

3 wildest dream :

getting married (i mean, dedicating your whole life to be spend with one person?), living in a country where I don't understand the language at all, being a pastor

3 obsession :

being a writer, applying my 'healthy lifestyle' theory, buy a house for my parents

3 things you treasure the most :

best friends, memories, dreams

3 types of smell you love :

tanah sehabis hujan...

3 types of smell you hate :

asap rokok, sampah, asap kendaraan bermotor

3 bad habits :

kalo lagi bad-mood suka uring2an sendiri, cuek, suka ngeluh

3 things you love to wear :

big comfy t-shirt, comfy pants, comfy flip-flop! :D

3 childhood toys :

mobil2an, nitendo, lego

3 favorite author :

Rick Warren, Joshua Harris, Dewi Lestari (gila sebenernya daftarku PANJANG BANGET!)

3 favourite director:

ga gitu merhatiin sih ya...

3 reason you do this thing :

emang akunya narsis aja, memenuhi obsesi di-interview (sok ngartis), di-tag uniq.. huahauhauhau..

3 person you would to tag to do this :
aris.. sapa aja deh yang blogger dan kebetulan lewat di blog ini..

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Young, Smart, Talented and... Wasted.

Theme: Online all the time: Youth & New Media. The impact of social networking and the online world on Indonesian culture

Continuing my study overseas, I can't deny that the technology provides a very convenient way of communicating. I've once lost every single contact number on my phone because of my silliness, but even being faraway from home and family, I don't get panic or afraid of losing contact with them. Thanks to our modern way of communicating: internet.

Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, MSN, Skype, you name it. Countless number of social network have been made to satisfy our need to socialize. Thus, to alienate the real people surround us.

I am agree that internet has been very useful for us to learn and discover things. It might be one thing why it attracts us a lot. But who doesn't see why experience is the best teacher? If person 'A' read tons of articles from A-Z on the internet about Batik compared to person 'B' who has made a Batik, who do you think could teach how to make Batik to their children the best?

Most people I know will be upset if they lost their precious possession. But our most precious possession is time. We could buy things if we lost them. But time?
Yet we don't realize that we've been stolen. Our time was stolen. We were so occupied in our online world, we know straight away that MJ died, but we don't even know our aunty has delivered her second baby girl two months ago.

Then you ask, if not the internet, what else would worth throw away our time to? Well, each person will be different, but I think it's a good idea to start invest your time building a strong relationship with your family and friends. Or you might have the desire of a better country to live in, why not you start today? You can volunteer your time, share your knowledge; it can be anything, really. You can even get the benefit from that: your experience expands.

And I'm not saying that we should avoid internet, I just sick of myself realizing that I could spend 1/4 of my day being online. It means I spend 2190 hours a year neglecting the real world. 91,25 days being idle! Well, being fair, I should say that my insight expands a lot, reading different way of thinking from people on internet. Maybe the problem is just the time I (and most teenagers) allocated in front of that addictive screen.

Maybe we just have to learn to be wise of our most precious possession.

Indonesian Youth Conference

The Jakarta Globe

Terrant Books