Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Quick Updates

Hi fingertale lover, sorry for not updating the blog. Too many things happened, plus you know how lazy I am, right? Hehe. Lame excuse, I know.

So, last week a new flatmate came. She became my only one room mate now. She's so talkative and we became a good friend soon, I tend to talk with her instead babbling in this blog, haha. Another news, I just started working in KFC since last thursday, today is my 4th shift and I became used to their varieties of menu and the cashier machine. I even feel like a robot, automatically saying 'Hi-how-are-you-what-can-I-help-you-today' & 'thank-you-enjoy-your-meal-please-come-again' (believe me, it's a hard job!). Oh yeah, don't forget that faking smile you have to put on your face.

Ah, today an incident happened. So there are two asian girls came to the restaurant. They clearly can't talk english. My supervisor asked them whether they're chinese or not, because there is one chinese girl in our staffs. Apparently they're japanese.

You know, there's one time you'd surprise that something you learnt finally have an advantage for yourself? Yeah, that's happened. Finally I could use my japanese.

Another thing, last week (seems like everything happened in that week) I contacted a guy that advertised 'JOURNALIST WANTED' in Paddy's Market. So this guy is the owner of a website for international students in Australia. It's still new, (2 months old) so everything still not well organised. I have to write several subject to for this web, so prepare yourself for not reading this blog. Hahahhaha. Am I writing that? Sigh, I don't even know whether anyone reading this blog or not.

Well, catch ya later!

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